Rosedale Substation Upgrades


Greeley, CO

Project Description

This was a two stage project in which large scale upgrades where necessary for the substation, including rebuilding the existing substation, terminating new transmission lines, and adding a new transformer and switchgear.


This was a two stage project with PRE as the main engineering consultant. In 2014 -2017 the substation transmission system was replaced. It was an antiquated 115/13kV substation with two T-lines and two small MCSG lineups. A new substation was built adjacent to the existing substation. Two more transmission lines were terminated at the new site and the sub was converted to a breaker and a half design. All new relaying was installed, and a new RTU was installed. In stage 2, which began in 2018 and continued into 2019, a third 115/12.47kV xfmr and a third MCSG was added. Two transmission terminations were relocated to different positions. Two new 115kV circuit breakers, additional breaker controls and additional relaying was designed and installed. This project involved the specification and engineering to install a new 50 MVA transformer and a 5 feeder Metal Clad Switchgear lineup.